Monday, October 13, 2014

"Cheater's" Tzimmes

One of our co-congregants "accused" me of cheating when I showed up in our synagogue's sukkah with a tzimmes (A) made with baby carrots instead of cut-up "grown-up" carrots, (B) made without sweet potatoes (which I'm not crazy about, and which are pain to work with), and (C) cooked in a pot, instead of roasted in the oven.  Well, they can tease me all they want about this recipe.  My version of tzimmes tastes good, is easy to make, and doesn't contain ingredients that bother my cantankerous metabolism.  Note:  This recipe contains neither honey nor sugar, but it may still not be good for diabetics because of the high natural-sugar (glycemic?) content, especially from the carrots and fruit juice.  That said, it's an improvement for those of us who have trouble with refined sugar and/or honey (both of which give me leg cramps), but not with juice.


~ 1 apple
~ 1 1/2 (one and a half) pounds baby carrots
~ 1 (one) 20-ounce can unsweetened pineapple chunks
~ ground cinnamon

Core the apple, and place it in the middle of a three-quart pot.  (Do not peel the apple, or you'll end up with applesauce!)  Sprinkle cinnamon both outside and inside the cored apple.

Stuff the inside of the cored apple with pineapple chunks.

Pour 1 1/2 pounds of baby carrots around the apple.

Pour entire balance of canned pineapple--juice and all--on the carrots and stuffed apple.  Mix a bit, to get some of the pineapple underneath the carrots.  (Or perhaps you should pour the carrots and pineapple chunks into the pot in layers.)

Sprinkle contents of pot liberally with cinnamon.

Cook approximately forever, until the carrots break with a fork (at least 1/2 hour.)

This is an easier and less acidic--no orange juice--variation of my original version.  Enjoy!  Moed Tov!


Anonymous Miami Al said...

Baby carrots are small carrots, picked early, and sweet and delicious. Baby Cut Carrots you find in grocery stores are regular carrots, machine peeled and chopped into pieces.

Basically, people only buy super regular shaped carrots, the rest used to be canned and sold that way. Now the irregular ones are cut into pieces and sold as baby cut carrots.

Mon Oct 27, 10:50:00 AM 2014  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

As far as I can tell, the baby carrots that I've been buying are the real deal--they're shaped like real carrots, and often display the remnants of carrot "greens."

Mon Oct 27, 03:50:00 PM 2014  

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